Teaching Methods of “Translation 1” for Vietnamese Students Majoring in Korean Language at Dong A University

Phan Hoàng My Thương

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“Translation 1” is a course that provides students with basic knowledge of the overview, types, and practice of Korean – Vietnamese – Korean Translation. Since the Korean Language has just been officially taught at universities in Hanoi, Hochiminh and Danang Cities in 1992, 1993, and 2005, respectively, there are many limitations in methods of teaching and researching Korean – Vietnamese - Korean Translation. Moreover, many students still depend on lecturers and Translation classes are mainly taught in a conventional way. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to share appropriate and effective methods of teaching “Translation 1” that help lecturers improve the translation ability of 3rd- year students majoring in the Korean Language at Dong A University, Vietnam.

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