The Effects of “Bad Review” on Brand Image

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According to the effect of multimedia, brands want to be recognized by consumers more through online interactions. However, they also face the risks associated with negative comments “bad review” that can negatively affect brand image. The author uses the theory of Word of mouth Marketing (WOMM) and Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) for the rationale, thereby discovering the impact of “bad review” on brand image. The purpose of this study is to provide a research model based on theoretical foundations or previous studies to figure out the impact of “bad review” on brand image. By conducting survey interviews using pre-designed questionnaires with the participation of 300 samples, who live in provinces in 3 regions of Vietnam. The factors of “bad review” affecting Brand Image were analyzed through SPSS software, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and linear regression. The results show that there are two factors of “bad review” affecting the brand image, that is, the content of the review and the attitude of the reviewer. The study also provides some recommendations and solutions for businesses, proposing commercial risk management orientations on social networking platforms.

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