Effects of IELTS Writing Topic Awareness on Non-English Major Undergraduates at Ho Chi Minh University of Economics and Finance.

Nguyễn Duy Khôi, Uông Trần Gia Trí

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The study quantitatively probes into the potential prospect of whether students’ pre-knowledge concerning a given topic in the English writing task has any correlation, either positive or negative, to their ensuing score. With one functional research question and a pool sample of non-English major undergraduates whose relevant language proficiency and backgrounds are curriculum-inclined to be homogeneous overall, the study relies on the test as the research instrument, the scores of which are regarded as data. Subsequent analyses which employ one-sample t-test and Pearson’s correlational test against the conventional p-value of 0.05 yield results that align with what is posited prior, and serve to provide further evidence of the possibility of the phenomenon in the localized context of Vietnamese higher education. The study, despite its confidence in academic integrity, has not delved deeply into the intricacies surrounding the presented notion – all of which duly addressed. It, however, sufficiently points out the novelty of the research and urges additional works to explore the subject further with this as the foundation.

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